The aim of the Industrial Engineering Master’s Program is to train graduates who will increase the performance of systems containing human, machine and workforce in today’s competitive conditions. Industrial Engineers aim to contribute to sustainable success by using the resources of companies in an optimum way; They develop and apply various scientific methods for more efficient, low-cost operation of production and service systems. At the same time, they analyze data to optimize the production processes of enterprises and actively use artificial intelligence systems in these areas. Examples of these areas of expertise are supply chain management, operations research, production planning and control. In the Industrial Engineering Master’s Program, our students graduate with the ability to model and solve complex problems in related fields.

Place of Education: Gayrettepe Campus – Mahmutbey Campus

Training Hours: It takes place between 19.00 and 22.00 on weekdays.

Language of Instruction: Industrial Engineering Master’s Program is offered in Turkish and English.

Program: The Industrial Engineering Master’s Program is offered as thesis and non-thesis (with project). The student is responsible for 7 courses, 1 seminar course and 1 thesis in the thesis program. Responsible for 10 courses and 1 project assignment in the non-thesis (with project) program.